If you are looking for support we hope you will find the following of use

For people at the point of crisis, this list of services (mind.org.uk) in the UK may be helpful.

If you feel you need help urgently please contact the Samaritans (samaritans.org) – who provide 24/7 crisis phone support on 116 123, or call emergency services on 999.

If you are seeking a more ongoing type of support that is non-medicalised: 

  • The Spiritual Crisis Network UK offers a variety of ways to connect with others who have had ‘out of the ordinary’ experiences – through personalised email support, peer-support groups, and via a Facebook page.
    • For email support or to find out about in-person support groups can be found here.
    • To join an online peer support group via zoom please send an email request to [email protected]
  • The Hearing Voices Network offer various options for support, and do not use medicalised labels. They can be contacted here.
  • Safely Held Spaces offers online peer support groups for family members and friends supporting people experiencing extreme mental and emotional distress, often diagnosed as psychosis.
  • National Paranoia Network run weekly support groups in Sheffield and can be contacted at: [email protected]


For a selection of materials promoting humane, non-coercive mental health services, please see below to learn more about alternative approaches to mental health or connect with other organisations.

Books, Articles & Conferences

You’ll find a collection of books, articles, and information about conferences that focus on mental health, psychosis, and recovery. These resources are selected to offer perspectives that support the development of drug-free or minimum medication therapeutic environments. Whether you are a service user, carer, or professional, we hope these writings provide insight and practical information.

Organisations, Actions & Gatherings

If you would like to explore a wider network see of links. These external websites reflect a shared mission.